Why do people NOT click out of lawyer’s websites?

They have fallen asleep before they can!

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We are NOT only lawyers

we are flexible.

You don’t believe it?

[wp-video-popup video=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p4MZJsexEs”]

Kay Schroder

Director – Corporate and Commercial

Kay say something??

Kay say something??

Contact Us

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Johannesburg Office

1st Floor, Kiepersol House
Stonemill Office Park
300 Acacia Road
Darrenwood 2194

National : 086 999 0662
Int. Tel: +27 (0)11 476-1776

Cape Town Office

The Business Centre
No 1 Bridgeway Road
Bridgeways Precinct Century City
Cape Town 7441

National : 086 999 0662
Int. Tel: +27 (0)11 476-1776